Monday, July 23, 2012

Mt. Maculot (At long last)

Mt. Maculot is one of the popular dayhikes in the country. It is no wonder even on a Sunday, there are alot climbing the mountain. However, the irony here is that it took me almost twenty climbs (19th to be exact) before I reached Maculot. My group had been here last year but I was not able to accompany them because I was in Albay. Early this year, I had an invite but had to passed due to my work obligations. So when I plan a hike on this mountain on the first of July, I had no hesitations even though I had problems at work. 

The trail to the Rockies is not easy nor difficult. It is quite a moderate trail. No guide is required but there is a fork along the trail that you should take the left side onwards to the down trek of the mountain. Then another fork will be met and one should take the right side. The rest is a direct path towards to the mountain.

unloading the spaghetti while still going up

The view at the rockies is splendid even some portion is blocked by the mountain's peak. The Taal is seen in front and it was both elegant and scary at the same time. Elegant because the view was a close encounter with the volcano and it is also the reason why it is scary.

Celebrating Freedom at Mt. Gulugod Baboy

Just hours after an overnight climb in Tarak Ridge, I am again on an adventure this time at Mt. Gulugod Baboy in Anilao, Batangas. This climb is a minor climb just towering 525 MASL. As a trend in my hiking activity, I am with a new set of group most consist from the other departments of my office. The said climb was intended as an ocular inspection for the first climb of our newly formed mountaineering club in the office.The meet up time was five in the morning at a fast food chain in Buendia cor Taft Ave. I arrived just in the nick of time. It took another hour before we left Manila.After a couple of hours we alight at the terminal in Batangas CIty. We took a jeep en route to Mabini but offered addition fee so that the driver can bring us to the Philpan Dive Resort.

The Traditional Before the Climb Photo at the Jump-off point in Philpan Dive Resort
The hike was a contrast from the day before. The former was gloomy while the latter was sunny. Fortunate for me because I had no gears for the rain. The reports from past climbers here were accurate in sharing that the hardest part is the cemented route towards the mountain. It just commenced but I felt tired already. I almost beg a local to let me hitch in his motorcycle.

Single file at the pavement road
Alas, after a struggling uphill climb we reach the entry point of the mountain.  Of course, We rested before  restarting our climb. Compare to the initial assault, the trek was moderately easy. In fact, along the trail, one can find locals residing in the mountain itself.

In one of the resting station along the trail

Finally, after the residential part of the trail which also served as resting stations we emerged in the grassland that follows the summit of the mountain. It was like walking in a farm. The only catch is that it is over 500 Meters Above Sea Level.

A Farmland at the top of the mountain
Our trek coincided with the Independence day so we had an additional agenda at the summit of the mountain.Sir JR brought a flag so we had use it as a prop in honoring the freedom bestowed to us by our forefathers.

Oops, wrong tribute

There you go, much better (with Pico de Loro supposed to be at the background)
Notwithstanding the garbage along the trail, overall, the mountain is an eventful climb for both beginners and experienced ones.

(acknowledgment to Sir Dada De Silva for the photos)